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Policies & Procedures

This section contains Policies & Procedures for Thursday Connection.  These include:

  • Student Guidelines
  • Homework Preparation Expectations
  • Parent Guidelines
  • Family Work Requirements
  • Financial Obligations

Student Guidelines

Thursday Connection supports the efforts of our families to bring up their children “in the way that they should go.”  As a Cooperative we are committed to nurturing an environment of respect for one another through honesty, kindness, patience, understanding and care. We have developed a list of guidelines to help students know what is expected of them at TC and help them have successful experiences at Thursday Connection. Please go over these guidelines with your student thoroughly.

1. Be respectful and obedient during the day. This includes respecting the teachers, volunteers, and any other adult, fellow students, and property. Thursday Connection is founded on a culture of respect as the basis for our code of conduct. The Thursday Connection Board reserves the right to levy discipline as necessary for gross violations of our culture of respect and code of conduct up to and including expulsion

2. Come prepared to class as requested by your teachers.

  • Bring all needed supplies.
  • Homework should be completed neatly and on time.

3. Refrain From Leaving a Class When Class is in Session:

  • No one should be in the hall for any reason between classes.
  • Requests to leave class should be only in emergencies.  Use the restroom between classes.

4. Dress Code: Thursday Connection respects our student’s self-expression in the way they dress. We also expect our students to dress appropriately for Thursday Connection classes and events.

  • Clothing must cover areas from shoulder to shoulder, armpit to armpit, down to an approximate 5-inch length on upper thighs. Form-fitting (i.e. leggings or running tights) must be worn with shirts that meet the minimum 5-inch length on thigh guideline. 
  • Shoes must be worn at all times and should be safe for the school environment.
  • See-through or mesh garments may not be worn without appropriate coverage
    underneath that meets the minimum requirements of dress code.
  • Clothing may not depict, imply, advertise, or advocate illegal, violent, or lewd
    conduct, weapons, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or other controlled substances.
  • Clothing may not display offensive or inappropriate language or images.
  • Please click for a convenient downloadable Dress Code information sheet.
  • TC Administration reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress. Students who do not adhere to these guidelines will be given a clothing item from TC’s clothing stash to wear until their parent brings them appropriate clothing to wear.

5. Bring only items needed in class to co-op.

  • Leave all distracting toys at home.
  • Weapons of any kind toy or otherwise are not permitted (this includes pocket knives.)
  • Do not bring trading cards, or occult related games or materials to co-op. These will be confiscated and only returned to the parent.

6. Clean up after yourself.

  • Place all trash in proper containers.
  • Leave all rooms better than you found them.

7. Secure permission from the TC board before conducting any fundraising at co-op.

8. Follow all rules set by the church.

  • No running in hallways.
  • No heelies, skateboards  allowed inside the church.
  • Use inside voices while inside the building.
  • The playground area is reserved for children twelve years of age and younger with adult supervision.

9. Food, including lunch, must be eaten only in designated rooms. No food or drink is allowed in classrooms except as part of planned educational activities.

10. Only high school students are allowed outside without an adult and only with permission.  Students are allowed in the outside picnic area only. There is to be no loitering in the parking lot, no sitting in cars, and no wandering around the building, inside or out.

11. No visitors are allowed to accompany students to classes without the approval of an administrator on duty. No one will be allowed in the building without proper TC ID or signing in as a guest.

Disciplinary Policy

Walk & Talk: Students who are having difficulty paying attention in class or following a teacher’s instruction may be asked to go on a walk around the building with admin. Parents will be notified if asked to take a break from class.

The administration will take appropriate action for violations of the Student Guidelines or of the culture of respect at Thursday Connection. This could include but is not limited to a warning from the adult in charge, removal from class, calling parents, asking parents to attend class with the student, meeting with the board, or dismissal from Thursday Connection.

Homework Preparation Expectations

At Thursday Connection our teachers offer rich courses with great opportunities for learning. Homework is an integral part of this education process. If your students are not prepared for class, it is a hindrance not only to your student’s learning process but also to the entire class, who is now ahead of the student.

Middle and high school courses require more of the students than those for younger children. The parent, as the teacher-of-record, is completely responsible to be sure that their student has finished all homework well. The teachers’ syllabi are provided to assist you in this task; familiarize yourself with what each class will require by a thorough reading of each syllabus and communication with the teacher as necessary for your understanding. Some of our teachers are using Engrade to help in communicating with you, as well.

If a teacher feels that assignments are not being done and that the student’s lack of preparation is a hindrance to the class, we reserve the right to ask the child to withdraw from the class for the rest of the semester. In this case, no further monies will be due. Grades will be emailed at semester end to the email address on record.

Elementary enrichment courses are designed to have mainly in-class activities. Teachers may offer home suggestions to allow a student to explore a topic further at home.

Parent Guidelines

* Please make sure your students are healthy when they attend Thursday Connection.  You may use the following guidelines to determine if your child should stay at home if you have any uncertainties. a. Excessive cough or runny nose—clear, yellow, or green from nose, throat or eyes. The only exception to this is allergic symptoms that have been diagnosed as allergic by a doctor. If your child has a bad cold and you can alleviate their symptoms with antihistamines and/ or cough suppressants, so that they are not “shedding” the virus constantly throughout the day, they are welcome to attend. b. Bacterial infections that are treated by antibiotics—please make sure that your child has been on the antibiotic regimen at least 24 hours before returning to class—this would include such things as pink eye and strep throat. c. Vomiting, diarrhea, or fever—your child should be symptom free for at least 24 hours before coming to class. d. Rash—do not bring your child to class with any rash UNLESS it has been diagnosed by a doctor as non-contagious.

Each child should come to class with a book bag, backpack or something similar to keep papers and loose items in during the day.


* Please do not loiter in the hallways. If you would like to visit with other moms, you may sit in the childcare room or break room or the parents’ room. If you would like to work quietly, you may do so in the library, if there is room.

* Please do not use classroom time to talk with teachers. We will provide a teacher phone list so that you may make an appointment to talk with them at appropriate times. Please do not approach the teachers about money or scholarship issues. Scholarship requests will be handled by the board. If you wish to request assistance, please contact Erin Smith [email protected]

* Parents are welcome to occasionally sit in a class their student is taking or to supervise their student in certain circumstances and with admin approval. As a courtesy to teachers, please let them know your plans to stay.  Please do not bring younger siblings into the classroom, including nursing infants.

* Children not in TC classes must be supervised and should not be allowed to disrupt classes or roam hallways. ONLY parents working on their scheduled time have the option of using the childcare rooms for younger siblings. Older, non-student siblings may use the library with authorization while parents are working their shifts.

* You or a designated adult must accompany your K-5th grade child into and out of the building each week. Your child should scan themselves in/out using his/her ID badge. Students 6th grade and above do not need an adult to enter the building. 6th - 8th grade students may scan themselves out but are required to stay in the building until the parent is on-premises for pickup. If you have high schoolers, they may sign themselves and their siblings in/out.

* Please make sure students in K-3 grades have their schedule on the back of their ID tag before you leave. All students must leave this nametag on during the day. Volunteers will help the younger kids move between classes, but TC cannot guarantee a child makes every class if they do not wear their nametags. PLEASE help your child become familiar with the campus and go over room numbers and class times.

* Please make a schedule card for 4th-12th grade students with their class times and room numbers for them to carry. They may make a schedule sticker for their ID tags if this will be easier.

* Parking and Entrance into the building—Please use the back parking area and courtyard door only.

* Please make it a point to go over all student rules with your child prior to the first day of class.

* Pick up time is no later than 4:30. By registering at Thursday Connection, you agree to one of our board members taking your child to their home, if you are late. 

* Sensitivities and Special Needs Guidelines:

Thursday Connection has always been and continues to be a cooperative that welcomes students who do not fit the mold of institutional schools. We believe that being exposed to a variety of learning styles helps us all develop compassion and tolerance for one another. It is also important to maintain the learning atmosphere of the classroom. As a private, one day a week homeschool cooperative, we do not have the resources for dedicated helpers for individual students.  Therefore, we ask our families to review our guidelines when making decisions on enrolling their students in Thursday Connection classes. 

•Parents must clearly communicate students' special needs and sensitivities on registration, so that we may work together in providing the best classroom experience for all involved.
•To attend classes as kindergartners, students must be at least five years old chronologically and have the ability to work at a five-year-old level.  
•Students should have both the ability and the age that corresponds with the class in which they wish to enroll. Additionally, any parent who wants to enroll their student in a class which is more than one grade level above or below the grade level indicated is required to discuss this request with administration and may not directly approach a teacher.
•Students must be able to follow classroom behavior guidelines as set forth by the teacher. 
•Students who need more assistance in keeping their attention directed to the teacher and work being done in the classroom should have a parent or other adult helper present to assist the student.  
•Students who need individualized parameters should meet with administrators to discuss accommodations. Many times, a plan can be developed to help students move smoothly through their day with confidence. Communication is key so that we are all aware of what needs exist and how we are able to help.

As with all guidelines, it is impossible to address every classroom situation. Should classroom space be limited or other factors impact our ability to accommodate a student, we will work with families to find the best possible solution.

Family Work Requirements

Each family is required to contribute 16 work hours each semester. We have dates available for each parent to choose, and we try to be flexible in allowing this freedom to choose dates and jobs. Shifts are 4 hours for 4 days or 1 hour per week to fulfill the 16 hour requirement. When you sign up for a shift, we expect that you will fulfill your obligation. Please mark your work shifts on your calendar. Thursday Connection will send a reminder email with a list of workers for the week. Please check your emails.

Work Shift Check-in

Please be 10 minutes early for your shift to allow time to check-in and settle your children in their respective classes. At the shift check-in table, you must initial that you are present and pick-up a job description from the job description box. Please read and follow that description unless you are asked by the family work coordinator to serve somewhere else. Smaller children and babies may not accompany parent workers during work shifts. Thursday Connection offers a Big Kid room and a nursery, staffed with loving and capable supervisors, for placement of younger non-students while you work your shift.  At the end of your shift, please replace the job description before you leave. Thursday Connection reserves the right to place you in any job as our needs dictate. 


  • If you have a schedule change, you are required to make the change with Shannon Osucha the week before your scheduled shift. The master list will be available during co-op hours through Shannon to obtain names and numbers of other workers with which to switch your dates. You may also access the list through Shannon by email during the week. It is your responsibility to find a replacement for yourself. When you have made a switch or found a replacement, please notify Shannon as soon as possible. 919-0072 cell; Email: [email protected]
  • If you choose, you may buy out your family work time at a rate of $75 per 4-hour shift or $300 per semester. This option is for returning families only who have completed two consecutive semesters at TC and are in good financial standing. The deadline to buy out your family work time for Fall semester is May 30th and for Spring semester is November 30th. Some workers may need to buy out shifts and serve shift time in various combinations. Please speak to Shannon about these options.
  • If you have a medical emergency or last-minute change during the week you are scheduled to work, it is your responsibility to find a replacement or hire a substitute. You should then make Shannon aware of the change via email. The substitute list will be available online and the first few weeks at co-op. If you have a medical emergency the morning you are scheduled to work, you must call Shannon, and each emergency will be handled on a case by case basis.

‘No shows’

If you choose to be negligent in serving your family work time as scheduled, you will be fined $75 (this includes a $50 substitute fee and a $25 fine) per 4-hour shift. When fines become 2 weeks delinquent, students may not return to class until the account is addressed. 

If you are a “no show” for 2 shifts, action may be taken by the board regarding the lack of commitment by the family in question. Please be diligent in service and worthy of trust by full cooperation and participation in our program.


If you are late, it makes it hard on everyone. Please be 10 minutes early for your scheduled shift to allow time for your own children to be settled into their respective classes and for you to sign in at the volunteer station. You will be assessed a $5 penalty for every 15 minutes you are late for your shift. If you are 1 hour late, you will be considered a ‘no show,’ and be assessed the $75 fine. Occasionally, we all have circumstances that we cannot control, and Thursday Connection will try to take these things into consideration. By planning to be early, most of these circumstances will not affect your arrival.

Family Work Coordinator’s Contact Information

Shannon Osucha: 919-0072 cell; Email: [email protected]

Financial Obligations

Registration fees, tuition, and material fees are the responsibility of the family. Financial assistance and scholarships may be available for some families after completing a financial need request form. After initial registration fees, including materials fees and first months’ tuition are paid in the spring, tuition payments will be due on the first Thursday of September, October, and November.

Pre-registration for the 2nd semester will be held in November and December, and the checks will be dispersed to the teachers on the first Thursday of December. The remaining second semester tuition is due on the first Thursday of February, March, and April.

Tuition payments must be made on the first Thursday of the month. If payment is not made without communicating with the registrar, a late fee of $5 per class, per student, per week will be added to the fees. When tuition becomes two weeks delinquent, students may not return to class until the account is addressed. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, communicate with the registrar immediately.

All tuition and materials fees checks should be made payable to the teacher but turned in at the finance table in order to be properly recorded. Please do not pay the teachers directly. If paying in cash, please bring correct change; put cash for each teacher in a separate, labeled envelope. Our inability to make change will not be a valid reason for paying late. Make sure that you receive a receipt when you are paying in cash.

If tuition or registration checks are returned, they must be repaid along with any charged bank fees in cash. From that time forward, that family must pay in cash.

Family work shift buy-out fees are not refundable.

There is a 2-week trial period in which you may drop classes without being financially responsible for the entire semester. If you wish to exercise this option, you must drop your class by the end of week 2 of the semester. If you choose this option, please know that no prepaids are refundable. Should a class be dropped after the 2-week trial period, all tuition associated with the class is still owed to the teacher of the entire semester.